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The Inspired Word Is Our Only Guide In Religion


John 20:30-31---These things are written that you might_____________that Jesus is the Son of God and that you might have __________________________through his name.

1 John 5:13---These things are written to you who believe that you may ________________you have eternal life.

Romans 10:17---How does faith come? _____________________________________________

James 1:21---What is able to save your soul? _________________________________________

1 Peter 1:23---How is one born again? ______________________________________________

Should you go to any other source to learn how to be saved? _________________

2 Tim. 3:15 The Holy ___________________________are able to make us wise for salvation?

2 Timothy 3:16-17---Does the Bible thoroughly furnish us unto every good work? ___________

Do we need additional revelations/dreams to make us complete before God? _______

Do we need the Book of Mormon to make us complete spiritually? _______________

Do we need Church Traditions, Manuals, Creed Books, Confessions of Faith to make us

Complete spiritually?

2 Peter 1:3---Has God given us all things that pertain to life and godliness? _______________

Since God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness in the Bible, should

Can we use any other source as our religious authority? _____________

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3500 Montague Blvd, Hattiesburg, MS 39401​


Sundays at Kensington Woods Church of Christ -

9:00am Bible Class

10:00am Worship

5:00pm Evening Study

Tuesday Nights at the SCSC- 

Dinner & Devo 6:30pm

   Wednesday Nights at the Thad Cochran Center 214 -

    7:30pm Bible Class 

Thursday Nights at MoBay's Coffee

Ladies Bible Study 6:30pm



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