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“In Christ Study”


Ephesians 1:3 Are ALL spiritual blessings in Christ? ______________

If all Spiritual blessings are in Christ, are there any Spiritual blessings out of Christ? __________

2 Timothy 2:10 Is salvation in Christ? _______________________________

Is it your understanding that one must be IN Christ to be saved? _______________________

Romans 6:23 Where is eternal life found? _______________Is the gift of God in Christ? ______

1 Corinthians 15:21-22 Those who are IN Christ shall be made __________________________

Romans 3:23 How many have sinned? _______________

Romans 3:24 Are justified, grace, and redemption words found in Christ? _________________

Justified = Just-as-if-I’ed Never sinned

grace= getting something really good I don’t deserve

redemption is the buying back of my sins.

2 Corinthians 5:17 am I a new spiritual creation in Christ? ______________________

How do I get into Christ?

there are only 2 verses in the whole bible that directly use the words together “into Christ”

1)Galatians 3:27 How does one get into Christ? ____________________________________

2) Romans 6:3-5 Is one supposed to be baptized into Christ? _________________________

if I have not been baptized into Christ, am I “in Christ” with all the spiritual blessings? ________

(if you are not 100% sure if your baptism was what the bible teaches, see Simple Study 3.5 Baptism according to the bible)

Christian’s Responsibility in Christ

Romans 6:11 In Christ Jesus, my responsibility is to be dead to ________, but alive to _______

Romans 6:12 Shall sin reign in our bodies? ___________ should we obey sin? _____________

Romans 6:14-18 according to verse 17, once I am in Christ am I a slave of sin anymore?___________

Vs 18 In Christ, my responsibility is to be a slave of what? ______________________________

Romans 8:1 Am I condemned anymore once I am in Christ? ___________________________

Romans 8:2 Should I live a life of sin/flesh and walk in sin/flesh once I am in Christ? ________

God wants you to be “In Christ” according to the way His word tells us. Once you are in Christ, He wants you to take very seriously the responsibility that comes with it.

According to Romans 6:1-2 and Romans 6:15 Does God’s grace give us the free ticket to sin? ______________

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