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Baptism according to the bible


Ephesians 4:5 Is there more than one valid baptism in God’s will? ___________________

Since God accepts only ONE baptism, must we be careful to be sure we are baptized the way God says? ___________________________

Acts. 8:36-38 Did Phillip baptize the Eunuch in water? ____________________

Did both Philip and the Eunuch go down into the water? ____________________

Would it have been necessary for both Philip and the Eunuch to go down into the water if sprinkling or pouring were the one baptism God commands? _______________________

Would it have been necessary for both Philip and the Eunuch to go down into the water if immersion were the one baptism God commanded? _______________________________

1 Cor. 12:13 Is baptism also a Spiritual baptism? ________________________________

Does this verse contradict water baptism or compliment it? _________________________

If there is only one baptism (Eph. 4:5) can there be a Spiritual baptism separate from a water baptism and be correct according to the bible? ________________

1 Peter 3:21 In the one baptism, must there be an answer of a good conscience toward God? ______

Can a baby conscientiously accept baptism as the command of God? ______

Mark 16:16 if believing is not accompanied with baptism, is me getting wet in water true salvation?______

Can an infant believe in baptism as an act of salvation? ____________________________

If I believed I was saved before I entered the water, was my baptism true baptism according to the bible? _______________________________________

Romans 6:3-5 Does the bible describe the one baptism as a burial in water? ______________

If we are baptized into his death, do we receive the benefits of his death_______________

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