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2 Timothy 3:15 What makes us wise for salvation? ____________________________________.

Should we look to places other than the biblical scriptures for salvation? __________________.

Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing what? ______________________________

The bible describes faith as believing/trusting without seeing.

So if I want to increase my faith, what do I need to do? ________________________________.

If I want to increase my faith in Jesus Christ, what do I need to hear more of? ______________

John 3:16 The condition for salvation stated here is what? _____________________________

John 8:24 Will you be saved if you do not believe in Jesus? _____________________________

John 14:6 Who is the Way, Truth, and Life? _________________________________________

Can we go to the Father and make it to heaven through anyone other than Jesus?__________

Acts. 17:30 The condition stated here is what? _______________________________________

Sometimes people have a hard time understanding what repentance is. Lets look at

2 Corinthians 7:9-10 Is merely being sorry four your sins the repentance God demands?______

Does repentance demand that the sinner turn from his sins? ____________________________

Luke 13:3 Will you be saved if you do not repent? _____________________________________

Romans 10:10 The condition stated here is what? _____________________________________

Matt. 10:32-33 Will you be saved if you do not confess Jesus? ___________________________

Mark 16:16 Jesus said he who _______________ and is ___________________ will be saved?

Did Jesus say he who believes is saved and then gets baptized? _________________

Did Jesus say he who believes is saved and two weeks later gets baptized? _____________

According to the Words of Jesus, do I need to be baptized to be saved? ________________

1 Peter 3:21 The condition stated here is what? ____________________________________

Acts 2:38 The inspired teacher told these believers to ________________and be_________________________.

Repentance and baptism are for the? ___________________________of__________________.

Acts 2:39-41 in verse 4o did he encourage them to be saved? ____________________________.

In verse 41 those believers who gladly received his word to be saved were what? _________

How many people were baptized that day? ______________________________.

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